The White Water Classification System
Whenever someone goes rafting white water rapids, it is vital that they have a good idea of what to expect from the river, here is a whitewater classification system. To clarify and simplify this process, all white water rapids are rated on a scale of I to VI. The...
Kids just want to have fun
Families with children on the River Getting out of the big smoke of Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and beyond will do the whole family a great benefit and I cant think of a better way to do it then on the pristine rivers of the Mitta or Murray. We love sharing our river...
How to spot a raft guide?
Written by raft guides anonymous from around the world. You may hear tales of these wild men and women of the river. The blessed unwashed. The mystical guides. Somehow there always seems to be a constant source of guides when you go rafting but you don’t know...
Our own News Blog Section
Wow, How exciting! We have our own blog section. Here you’ll learn about all things we get up to and what’s happening in or around our bubble. . Our website has only just gone live – so there’s not much here at the moment. Have News for Us? Get in touch and we might...